Originated by a Thailand interior designer,
Rangsan Narathasajan With his experiences more than 15 years in modern interior & furniture design field.

The product name has derived from the word “Unique” which implies our design philosophy. Function is our first contemplation as well as the sense of natural beauty. Simple be in harmony with daily use. Home loose furniture and decorative items are the main products. Most of the products are made from solid wood, some are assemble with assorted materials such as fabric, metal, stainless steel, granite, rattan etc.

Design that
brings back
nature to living.
และคุณค่าในฝีมือเชิงช่าง ก่อให้เกิดความคิด
ในกระบวนการออกแบบ เพื่อเอื้อต่อประโยชน์ใช้สอย
และสุนทรีย์ในทุก ๆ วันของการใช้ชีวิต